+977-1-4791963 , 4790201 | New Baneswor, Kathmandu nefscun@nefscun.org.np



With a focus on managing the liquidity of the SACCOS network, the Federation initiated the Central Financing Facility cum Interlending (CFFI) program in 1996 (2053BS) to support Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) in effectively handling their liquidity. The program aims to channel the liquid assets of SACCOS networks across Nepal towards productive endeavors. Acting as a mediator, CFFI connects SACCOS with surplus liquidity to those in need.

CFFI primarily directs its lending towards Agri-business projects of members, MSMEs, Microfinance, and other productive sectors. Through this initiative, NEFSCUN provides short-term, mid-term, and long-term credit facilities to SACCOS in need, offering competitive interest rates and minimal margins.

SACCOS meeting the financial and governance standards outlined in the CFFI procedures are encouraged to submit applications for credit facilities when in need.